News Plochner

Christof Plocher has joined the team at Krautzberger GmbH in Eltville, Germany in October 2013.

Mr. Plocher has many years of experience in the area of surface technology, including automation, robotics, and the wood and plastic industry.

Mr. Plocher is taking over the operational business for the steam technology retail sector with the objective to expand the national and international sales network for this sector and to develop new markets.

Please feel free to contact Mr. Plocher if you are interested in finding out more details:

Phone: + 49 (0) 6123- 698- 245 or via email:


Krautzberger GmbH

Stockbornstraße 13, 65343 Eltville am Rhein

+49 (6123) 698 – 0


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