Krautzberger – We remain committed to the ‘Zwerg Nase Haus’ children’s home
In 2022, we again decided on the ‘Zwerg Nase Haus’ children’s home, as this past year has shown us where our help is needed. Since December 2005, the ‘Zwerg Nase Haus’ children’s home has offered a wide range of optimally tailored services for families with children with disabilities. Parents acting as full-time carers for their children can find relief and assistance there. The ‘Zwerg Nase’ team was able to accommodate 42 child refugees and their caregivers at short notice in 2022 and, through this, give them hope again. After the initial few months, all of the children and caregivers have now moved into their own accommodation and received assistance with making a new start. High praise for this help, which would not be possible without a large and committed team around Ms Schenk.
We visited the ‘Zwerg Nase Zentrum’ in Wiesbaden on 30 November 2022. We were able to witness the great dedication shown by Ms Schenk and her team as they support the children in their daily lives. We would once again like to thank Ms Schenk and her whole team for the special insights and the work that is done every day at the ‘Zwerg Nase Haus’ children’s home. It was impressive to see how the team caters to every individual need of the children.
For more information about the ‘Zwerg Nase Haus’ children’s home, please visit ‘Zwerg Nase’ also welcomes donations in kind.
We encourage you to contact Ms Schenk in this regard.
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