Krautzberger: Corona-Mitteilung

The Corona pandemic is having an enormous effect on the entire population and confronting us with a range of challenges we have never seen before.

Here we want to let you know what is currently happening.

Our first priority is to protect our employees and customers. Even so, we believe it is our duty to continue delivering to you, our customer, as usual. We have taken the relevant precautions to protect our employees and keep our business running. An emergency concept has been put in place. Among other things, it now allows many more people to work from home or away from the office.

We are constantly coordinating our next steps so we can react to changing conditions. Even though there is much uncertainty, we have found that the situation is currently stable and our company is fully operational.

Production continues unimpaired, and the supply chain has not been affected yet either.

The only restrictions at present are on visitors to our premises. Please contact us in advance if you are thinking of visiting.

All the best and stay healthy!


Krautzberger GmbH

Stockbornstraße 13, 65343 Eltville am Rhein

+49 (6123) 698 – 0

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